

马克一个. 尼科尔斯先生. ——主题

马克一个. 尼克尔斯马克是法律顾问 & 罗尔斯·罗伊斯北美公司美洲合规总监, 英国航空和电力系统制造商. 马克主要帮助领导劳斯莱斯的防务部门 & 航空航天法律事务,提供法律顾问2元.40亿美元的生意管理着所有政府调查, 诉讼,  航空和高级科学法律. 马克 counsels all Rolls-Royce business sectors stretching globally from Canada to Brazil. 马克为劳斯莱斯几乎所有业务部门的总裁提供法律建议. 马克领导或共同领导了公司面临的一些最引人注目的事务, 包括世界各地政府机构的调查.g., the UK’s Serious Fraud Office; the US Justice 部门; the Pentagon’s Inspector General Suspension and Debarment Office; the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency; the US State 部门 Export Control; Brazil’s CENIPA (their FAA equivalent); our FAA, 以及以色列国防部, 波兰, 和澳大利亚).

在担任劳斯莱斯目前的职位之前, 马克曾担任Green Advantage的首席运营官和总法律顾问, a national organization administering exams for construction industry trades-people who build sustainable buildings in the US and Canada. 马克还曾担任美国联邦调查局的监察长.S. 政府印务署, managing a team of 50 attorneys and staff and overseeing management practices at the agency 和报告 in a dual capacity to the CEO and to Congressional oversight committees. 在开始他的法律生涯之前, 马克 worked at what is now JP Morgan Chase in New York and Europe doing securities work as a banker.

除了他的bc菠菜导航职责, 马克致力于他所居住的社区的志愿服务. 目前, 马克 serves on the Boys and Girls Club of Indianapolis (a group he once belonged to as a child) and the Sapphire Theatre Company boards of directors, 后者由他主持到下个月, 成功结束了两年的任期. He also serves as a member of the National Association of Wabash Men and co-chair of its Alumni Advancement Committee. 马克, 16年的大号演奏家(以及长号和萨克斯演奏家), is also a member of the board of directors of the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra and the Indianapolis Zoo. 十年来, 马克还曾在人权运动商业委员会任职, aiding companies in being more responsive to their gay and lesbian employees and is the founder of Rolls-Royce’s Propel with Pride!该公司的LGBT员工资源小组.

马克是美国最高法院的成员, 美国第十巡回法院, 美国科罗拉多州和华盛顿特区的地方法院, 印第安纳州南区, 还有印第安纳号, 科罗拉多州和哥伦比亚特区酒吧. 马克 received his AB from Wabash College in 1992 and JD from Washington and Lee University in 1998.

马克是一个天生的哲学家和职业伦理学家. 他的工作和社区奉献反映了他对生活的整体看法.




考特妮·巴雷特考特妮·巴雷特 received a Bachelor’s of Science in Public Relations and Advertising from the University of Southern Indiana and as Master’s of Education in 学生事务 in Higher Education from Western Kentucky University. Ms. 巴雷特专注于行为领域, 解决冲突, and Title IX for the last 10 years and has received certified training in conduct adjudication, 中介, 社会公正调解, 第九条调查. Ms. Barrett will be celebrating her fourth anniversary with Indiana State in May and genuinely enjoys being a part of the Sycamore family.

Shikha Bhattacharyya



Shikha BhattacharyyaDr. Shikha Bhattacharyya is a biologist-turned-environmental activist who has found her life’s mission in educating local communities about trash and its impacts on human life. She complements her passion towards environmental sustainability endeavors through a non-profit organization, 重新考虑, Inc.,致力于创造一个更清洁、更环保的特雷霍特. Dr. Bhattacharyya has worked as a Pharmacist for over six years in hospital and retail settings. Her educational background includes a PhD in Biomedical Studies from Baylor University, 生化工程硕士学位和药学本科学位.  



The Lamp, the Golden Door and the 首页less Tempest-tost: A Short 历史 of American Refugee Policy​


露丝·费尔班克斯自2010/2011学年以来一直在bc菠菜导航任教. She completed her doctorate in history from the University of Illinois in December 2015. 她的论文, 《bc菠菜导航》追溯了美国职业妇女生育政策的演变, 从二战的铆工罗西到家庭和医疗休假法案. Dr. 费尔班克斯正在修改这份手稿准备出版. 在bc菠菜导航,除了教授性别研究和历史课程外. 费尔班克斯为辅修性别研究的学生提供建议,并参与校园编程工作, in particular for Women's Equality Day every August 26th and the ISU Women's 历史 Month Colloquium every 马克h.




洛丽·亨森Dr. 洛丽·亨森是传播系新闻学助理教授. 她研究新闻媒体如何报道文化战争,并教授传播法, 道德, 和报告. She earned her doctorate in mass communication after a 10-year career as a newspaper journalist.





Launch Terre Haute的执行董事



雪莱Klingerman has been the Owner/President of the Stiletto Agency for almost six years. Stiletto Agency takes the mindset and principles of military and law enforcement and apply to the corporate environment. There are  many lessons to be learned and applied that result in a new, positive corporate culture.They provide training to business travelers on how to be vigilant and aware when working abroad. 这些经验教训和技能应该传递给家人、朋友和同事.






安吉兰辛, currently assistant athletics director for business operations and senior woman administrator, has been named interim director of intercollegiate athletics at bc菠菜导航 effective January 4, 丹尼尔·J. 布拉德利今天宣布. Lansing serves on the local planning committee for the NCAA 越野 Championships held by Indiana State. In 2014, Lansing was named to the NCAA Division I 田径 Committee which will run through 2018. She is currently serving a one year appointment as the chair of the committee during the 2015-16 academic year.




梅雷迪思琳恩梅雷迪思琳恩 is the University Gallery Director at ISU, where she also teaches arts administration. 在来ISU之前, 她是穆尔黑德的洛克艺术博物馆的执行董事, 和内梅特艺术中心, MN. 她特别感兴趣的领域是互动和数字艺术.




克雷格米. 麦基

Wilkinson, Goeller, Modesitt, Wilkinson律师事务所合伙人兼律师 & 敲帮问顶发声LLP)   

WWID?  作为一个有道德的商业经理解决问题 

克雷格·麦基克雷格米. 麦基曾在Wilkinson Goeller Modesitt Wilkinson律师事务所执业 & Drummy, LLP,自1985年以来在印第安纳州Terre Haute.  他是一名全科医生,专注于诉讼、医疗保健和调解.  他还于2007年被任命为美国首席执行官.S. 裁判官(兼职.S. 印第安纳州南区地方法院,特雷霍特分部.  In that capacity he handles preliminary federal criminal proceedings for the nine Indiana counties in the Terre Haute Division.

麦基 is a native of Terre Haute and was graduated from bc菠菜导航 in 1979 with a B.S. 言语传播和新闻学学位.  他赢得了J.D. 1983年获得印第安纳大学法学院学位.  他的法律生涯始于担任美国联邦调查局的法律助理.S. 地区法院法官陈建文. 布鲁克斯在埃文斯维尔(1983-1985).

他参加了许多社区活动, 包括为联合劝募会服务, Terre Haute扶轮社, and is a former president of the Greater Terre Haute Chamber of Commerce and the Terre Haute Bar Association.  他目前在印第安纳州历史学会董事会任职.

麦基 formerly served eight years on the governing board of Washington National Cathedral (2005-2013) and currently is a Trustee of the Protestant Episcopal Cathedral 基金会 in Washington, DC.

麦基和他的妻子戴安住在特雷霍特.  Diann is the Vice President of 财务及行政 at bc菠菜导航 and has been employed by the university for 30 years.

Devyn Mikell

市场总监 & Twisted Fry的运作

Twisted Fry的棘手情况

Devyn MikellDevyn Mikell目前是供应链管理高级研究员. 在bc菠菜导航期间,他参加了田径比赛 & 现场小组. 除了学校和生意, Devyn喜欢与人合作, 看好电影, 玩电子游戏(在时间有限的情况下). 作为Twisted Fry的联合创始人之一,Devyn负责营销和运营. 你也可以看到他在餐车上为顾客准备食物!






玛莎•米勒玛莎·米勒是图书管理员. 1985年起,她在bc菠菜导航获得了A.M.L.S. 在密歇根大学获得学士学位.A. 中密歇根大学历史系毕业. 她指挥过4次以上,作为参考/指导图书管理员400次教学课程, 教过Comm 101. 她目前的联络领域是多学科研究(尤其是性别研究)。, 音乐学院, 社会工作, 应用健康科学, 应用于医学 & 康复,运动机能学,娱乐和运动. Marsha has made presentations at Indiana State 事件 such as the Women’s Studies Colloquium and Work-Life Integration Conference. 凭借她与美国大学妇女协会(州主席)的关系, 印第安纳州网站管理员/社交媒体), 她曾在2015年薪酬平等道德会议上发表演讲. 她是新成立的印第安纳州计划生育组织的指导老师, 并且是维戈县妇女选民联盟的成员.



