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电话: 812-237-2395

电子邮件: 生锈的.Gonser@cardinal-roofing.net 

办公室:  科学楼298

主要研究方向: population 遗传学; conservation biology; herpetology.


Dr. 米的伊莱娜. 塔特尔传记 

Dr. Gonser's primary research interests focus on conservation of species due to loss of suitable habitat and continuing habitat fragmentation. More specifically, he studies proximate and ultimate aspects affecting population structure. 这包括行为、生态和进化等因素. Dr. Gonser is currently studying gene flow and genetic diversity of the white-tailed deer, Odecoiles virginianus. 白尾鹿有一个很大的, ubiquitous 地理的raphic distribution and are important to the North American ecosystem, 还有经济. He is investigating the genetic structure of a reproductively isolated population of white-tailed deer in southern Maryland using mitochondrial DNA sequence. 这个种群最初是由弗吉尼亚的一些个体殖民而来的.

Dr. Gonser's previous work examined the genetic structure of the Puerto Rican frog, Eleutherodactylus coqui使用分子和行为技术. He found that coquíes from eastern Puerto Rico are distinctly different than coquíes from western Puerto Rico, indicating that the two populations have become isolated over recent evolutionary time. 作为这项研究的一部分. Gonser developed a technique for the use of amphibian toe-clips as important sources of genetic information (e.g. DNA sequence), which can be collected without detrimental effects on the population.

Dr. Gonser(与…合作 Dr. 塔特尔的伊莱娜)研究白喉麻雀. 这个长期项目研究生态如何, 行为, 遗传学, physiology maintain natural variation through their influence on the evolution of life-history strategies, 表型表达, 以及种群中基因型的相对适合度和频率. This project focusses on the maintenance of polymorphism via disassortative mating in the white-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis). The work on white-throated sparrows examines how individuals maximize fitness through the differential allocation of time, 能源, 和资源. 问题涉及个人如何平衡各种生活史的权衡, how life-history trade-offs generate variance that affects the evolution of sexually-selected characters. The research differs from many conventional evolutionary study as it employs concepts and techniques borrowed from other areas of biology. This research uses observational and experimental methods in the field and laboratory, 分子遗传技术(如.g. minisatellite DNA fingerprinting, microsatellites, RAPDs, AFLPs), physiological techniques (e.g. 精液抽样, 激素的分析, 免疫学分析), 和其他多学科技术(如.g. 核型分析、组织学). An integrative approach often reveals new alternative hypotheses and allows investigation of evolutionary questions at proximate and ultimate levels.


一些出版物的重印版以PDF文件的形式提供. 通过访问PDF文件, the user agrees to abide by all copyright laws and education fair-use regulations.

Barcelo-Serra, M.戈多,奥.塔特尔,E., Gonser R.  2020.  越冬白喉麻雀的行为多态性(Zonotrichia albicollis). 动物行为, 164:91-98, doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2020.04.002

纽豪斯、维.M .巴塞罗-塞拉., 塔特尔,E., Gonser R. 巴拉克里什尼安,C. 2019.  父母和后代的基因型影响生命早期的基因表达.  分子生态学.  28:  4166-4180. http://Doi.org/10.1111 / mec /.15205 

弗朗西斯卡,B., 费尔斯通,K.贝拉奇奥,E.杰克逊,K。.阿萨莫阿,A.赫什,J.菲奥里托,V.德斯特法尼斯,F., Gonser R.塔克,M.奥尔特鲁德,F., Tolosano.和D .恰布兰多. 2019. Heme and Sensory neuropathy: insights from novel mutations in the heme exporter feline leukemia virus subgroup C receptor 1. 疼痛, 卷. 160(12): 2766-2775.  http://doi: 10.1097/j.疼痛.0000000000001675

罗曼诺夫,M.N.Betuel,.M.Chemnick, L.G.赖德,O.A.,阿里巴巴,R.O.捷列先科.V.佩恩,W.S.,佩恩,德莱克塔,博士. C.J .道格森.B.塔特尔,E.M., Gonser R.A2019.  广泛应用于鸟类性别鉴定的PCR标记.  遗传学报,2015 (2):344 - 344 http://DOI:  10.1134/S1022795419020121

Grunst,.格伦斯特,M.今天,M.福雷特,L., Gonser R., 塔特尔,E. 2019 Extra-pair mating and the strength of sexual selection:  Insights from a polymorphic species. 行为生态学 http://doi.org/10.1093/beheco/ary160

Grunst,.S.格伦斯特,M.L.福米卡,V.A., Korody, M.L., Betuel,.M.M .巴塞罗-塞拉., 福特,年代., Gonser R.A.和塔特尔,E.M. 2018.  Actuarial senescence in a dimorphic bird:  different rates of ageing in morphs with discrete reproductive strategies.  英国皇家学会学报B, http://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2018.2053

Grunst,.S.格伦斯特,M.L.福米卡,V.A., Korody, M.L., Betuel,.M.M .巴塞罗-塞拉., 福特,年代., Gonser R.A.和塔特尔,E.M. 2018. Morph-specific patterns of reproductive senescence: connections to discrete reproductive strategies 美国自然学家191(6):744-755. http://doi.org/10.1086/697377

Grunst, M.L.格伦斯特,A.S.福米卡,V.A., Gonser R.A.和塔特尔,E.M. 2018. Multiple signaling functions of song in a polymorphic species with alternative reproductive strategies. 生态和 进化8:1369 - 1383.

Bollinger P.博林格,E.K.丹尼尔,S., Gonser R.和塔特尔,E.  2018.  Partial in幼崽ation during egg laying reduces eggshell microbial loads in a temperate-breeding passerine. 鸟类杂志 生物学, http://doi.org/10.1111/jav.01560

Grunst,.Grunst, Gonser R., 塔特尔,E. 2017. Developmental stress and telomere dynamics in a genetically polymorphic species.  进化生物学杂志, http://doi.org/10.1111/jeb.13400

Grunst,.Grunst, Gonser R., 塔特尔,E. 2017.  Breeding synchrony and extrapair paternity I a species with alternative reproductive strategies.  鸟类生物学杂志, http://doi.org/10.1111/jav.01375

塔特尔,E.M.格伦斯特,A.S.格伦斯特,M.L.福米卡,V.A., Korody, M.L., Betuel,.M.M .巴塞罗-塞拉., 棺材,G., Gonser R.A. 2017.  Climatically driven changes in population composition and offspring sex-morph ratio in a polymorphic species.  Ecosophere.  http://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.1762

*亨德里克,P., Gonser R.和塔特尔,E.  Negative-assortative mating in the white-throated sparrow Journal of Heredity 109(3):  223-231. *封面文章

Grunst,.S.格伦斯特,M.L., Rathbun N.A.哈伯德,J.K.赛峰,R.J., Gonser R.A., 塔特尔,E.M. 2017.  Disruptive selection on plumage coloration across genetically determined morphs. 动物行为124 (2017)97-108.

Gonser R. 和E . Ketterson. (2017伊莱娜·玛丽·塔特尔(1963-2016. 海雀:2017年7月,卷. 134, No.  3, pp. 778-779.  http://doi.org/10.1642/AUK-17-39.1

尼科尔斯C., Kump A.福特S., Gonser R.,赵谦. 2017. 绘制化脓性链球菌M3KCL株基因组序列. 基因组公告5:e00610-17. http://doi.org/10.1128/genomeA.00610-17

塔特尔,E.M., Grunst,.S., Grunst, M.L.科洛迪,M.L.Betuel,.M.M .巴塞罗-塞拉., 棺材,G., Gonser R.A.  2017. Climatically driven changes in population composition and offspring sex-morph ratio in a polymorphic species. 生态球8 (4):e01762. 10.1002 / ecs2.1762

Grunst, M.L.格伦斯特,A.S., Gonser R.A., 塔特尔,E.M. 2017 Breeding synchrony and extrapair paternity in a species with alternative reproductive strategies.  鸟类生物学杂志:2017年3月13日DOI: 10.1111 / jav.01375

塔特尔,E.M.(英国).O.科洛迪,M.L.布鲁尔,M。.S.纽豪斯,D.J.,明克斯,P.斯泰格,M.Betuel,.,雪佛兰,Z.A.沃伦,W。.C., Gonser R.A., & Balakrishnan C.N. 2016. 性染色体样超基因的分化和功能退化. 现代生物学26(3):344-350. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2015.11.069

竟敢管,E.M.南卡罗来纳州默克福德.W.堪萨斯州桑兹市.赫尔曼,T.B.约翰逊,G., Gonser R.A.. 2016 . Population genetic structure of Blanding’s turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) in New York. 爬行动物学报,50(1):70-76. (doi: 10.1670/14-027)

Rathbun N.A.格伦斯特,A.S.格伦斯特,M.L.哈伯德,J.K.赛峰,R.J., Gonser R.A., & 塔特尔,E.M. 2015. Quantitative color variation within and across morphs of the polymorphic White-throated Sparrow. 海洋学报132:92-104.

贾米森,.塔特尔,E.詹森,R。.比尔利,G., & Gonser R. 2015. Spatial ecology, landscapes, the 地理的raphy of vector-borne disease: A multi-disciplinary review. 应用地理学报(自然科学版)63 (3):418-426.

迈尔斯,N.巴拉德,J.赵,C.-A., Gonser R.A.Mikolaj, P.斯蒂丁,C.斯图尔特·G., & 塔特尔,E.M. 2015. Wicked problems in genomics: Using interdisciplinary collaboration to promote responsible advocacy in addressing genomic risks. URMIS Insights, 2015年2月.

塔特尔,E.M.塞巴斯蒂安,P.J.波斯托,A.L.索伊尼,H.A.Novotny, M.V., & Gonser R.A. 2014. 预毛油成分随季节的变化, 性, 多态白喉雀的基因型研究. Journal of Chemical Ecology 40(9): 1025-1038; DOI 10.1007/s10886-014-0493-2.

Balakrishnan C.N.向井,M., Gonser R.A.温菲尔德,J.C,伦敦.E.塔特尔,E.M., & 克莱顿,D. 2014. Brain transcriptome sequencing and assembly of three songbird model systems for the study of social 行为. PeerJ 2:e396; DOI 10.7717 / peerj.396.

詹森,R.R., Gonser R.A.乔伊纳,C. 2014. Landscape factors that contribute to animal-vehicle collisions in two northern Utah canyons. 应用地理50 (5):74-79.

Betuel,.M.塔特尔,E.M., Gonser R.A. 2014. Sharp-shinned Hawk predation on a ground-nesting bird, the White-throated Sparrow. [j] .鸟类学报,26(1):161-165.

罗曼诺夫,M.N.道奇森,J.B., Gonser R.A., & 塔特尔,E.M. 2011. 基于bac的白喉麻雀比较图谱, 一种新的行为基因组学模型, 利用种间杂交. BMC 研究 Notes 4:211.

Gonser R. A.詹森,R。.Lulla, V., & 竟敢管,E. 2008. 印第安纳州西部的鹿车相撞事件. 第21届航空摄影双年研讨会论文集, 摄像, 以及用于资源评估的高分辨率数字图像. 视图 http://www.geog.byu.edu/faculty/jensen/proceedings/

Gonser R. A. & 角、J.S. 2007. 城郊边缘的鹿-车碰撞. 在R州詹森市.R.J.D., & 麦克莱恩,D.D. (eds.):城市环境中的地理空间技术:政策、实践和像素. 斯普林格出版社. pp. 177-196.

塔特尔,E.M.詹森,R。.R.福米卡,V.A., & Gonser R.A. 2006. Using remote sensing image texture to study habitat use patterns: A case study using the polymorphic white-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis). 地球科学进展与展望(5):349-357. 下载 - (163 Kb)

Stutchbury B.J.M.投手,T.E.诺里斯,D.R.塔特尔,E.M., & Gonser R.A. 2005. Does male extra-territory foray effort affect within and extra-pair fertilization success in hooded warblers, Wilsonia citrina? 鸟类生物学杂志36:471-477. 下载 - (99 Kb)

Gonser R.A. 2004. Positive learning experiences: contextual software training workshops with pre-service teachers. 教育革新者. bc菠菜导航出版社,页. 61-73. 下载 (636 Kb)

胶木,V.A., Gonser R.A.拉姆齐,S.M.和塔特尔,E.M. 2004. Spatial dynamics of alternative reproductive strategies: the role of neighbors. 生态学报,34 (4):1145 - 1145. 下载 (3.04 MB)

Gonser R.A.摩尔,S.W.S.S. 2003. Mock job application and interview assignment that is adaptable for students at all levels of education. 印第安纳州科学教师. 3: 76-83.

Gonser R., P. 唐纳利,G. Nicholson等人. 2000. 微卫星突变与人口统计学推论. 遗传学[j]: 1793-1807. 下载 (391 Kb)

Gonser R. A. 和R. V. Collura. 1996. 不浪费,不匮乏:脚趾夹是DNA的来源. 爬行动物学报30:445-447. 下载 (118 Kb)

Gonser R. A. 和L. L. Woolbright. 1995. 波多黎各沙蛙的归巢行为. 爬行动物学报29:481-484. 下载 (534 Kb)