
320 Curriculum Changes

Last updated on: January 01, 2001

320.1 Curriculum Approval Procedures Manual

The Curriculum Approval Procedures (CAPS) Manual for 本科 and 研究生 Courses and Programs provides guidelines and identifies procedures for the curriculum approval process.  Since curricular revisions should be integrated into program review and strategic planning processes, curriculum approval procedures are organized around departmental explanations of how revisions will contribute to the mission, 目标, and commitments of the department.  Specific information regarding levels of review for curricular revisions, preparation of course and program proposals, and copies of routing sheets and other curricular forms appear in the CAPS Manual which is available in the Office of the Provost and Vice 总统 for Academic Affairs.

Related Information

Policy Administrator:
Office of the Provost and Vice 总统 for Academic Affairs
Policy 联系:
Office of the Provost and Vice 总统 for Academic Affairs
Parsons Hall 208
(812) 237-2304
Policy 历史:
Policy 320 was included in the 2001 University Handbook revision. *Policy 399 Interpretation applies to interpretations of Policies 300 to 399 of the 政策库.