研究生 of the Last Decade (GOLD)

The 研究生 of the Last Decade (GOLD) Awards recognize graduates who are outstanding in their professions; have made significant contributions to their communities, states or nation; and have exhibited interest in the university and/or the ISU Alumni Association since leaving the campus. The award was initiated in 2003.

2013 - Thomas J. “TJ Mattick

2012 - Chris Pillow


2011 - Jessica Robertson Benell

2010 - Daniel Pigg

2008 - Benjamin A. Lenderman

2008 - Chris Sapp

2006 - Michelle Cronk

2005 - Jennifer M. 彼得森

2005 - Keith T. 理查兹


2003 - Brent Craven

2003 -罗伯特·J. 爱德华兹

2003 - Sarah Hadley-Aikman

2003 - Christine Hill