
This page is not intended to be a complete guide to using social media for professional purposes. It is a compilation of notes that we know from experience will make creating, 更容易维护和增长账户.


Nearly all social media accounts used for business or professional purposes are linked to someone’s personal account. 尽量避免使用你的bc菠菜导航.edu,枫树.indstate.Edu或者你的个人邮箱地址. Instead use an email account created specifically to administer your social media account, 诸如AOL之类的服务, Gmail, 雅虎, Yandex等. 可以使用. The reasoning behind this is that people leave the university and their email account terminated. It can also make passing on administration rights to the social media easier without having to compromise a personal account. 一些社交媒体平台有严格的电子邮件限制, one account policy and having multiple generic email addresses will make the creation of multiple accounts on that particular platform easier.

It is best to have at least two administrators for any groups or pages that are made. 是否不再有管理员可用于管理该帐户, 这将有助于确保帐户的延续.

We have found from experience that professional accounts that are attached to personal accounts cannot be transferred or recovered if something happens to the original owner. There are around 460 (in November 2018) social media accounts associated with bc菠菜导航 that have been abandoned for one reason or another and which can no longer be used by anyone.


这所大学 风格指南 印刷和网页使用. It is not always possible to strictly adhere to these guidelines when using social media but administrators need to be aware that the guidelines exist. The university seal must not be used as an identifying mark as it is reserved for official documents.

当您命名您的帐户, be consistent with university branding names and be sure to let people know who you are associated with. 如果使用“ISU”作为帐户名, It is particularly important not to confuse anyone who might be more familiar with Idaho, 伊利诺斯州, 爱荷华州立大学或任何其他实体. “IndState”可能是“ISU”的有用替代品。

Unless the account is to be used for a specific event do not add the year or any other date to the account name. Say it's 2020, your account is going to look strange if you still have 2017 in the name.

If you are creating accounts on different platforms it helps if you use the same username on all of them. It also helps if you check that the username you want to use is available on all platforms before creating the accounts. 这里有一个例子. The university is the organizing institution for the 学生管理投资基金联盟(SMIFC). We could not use SMIFC on all platforms because on Facebook that belongs to an Indonesian football club and someone had already claimed that username on Twitter and gotten their account suspended for some reason. The alternative "SMIFConsortium" was subsequently used on all platforms an account was created on.


ISU groups have created many accounts over the years on all sorts of platforms. Some of those were created because someone decided “we must have a social media account.” Before jumping into starting a social media account, ask yourself some important questions. 谁是观众?? 你多久发一次邮件? 你们组谁负责发帖? 如果发布了错误的信息,谁来负责? 这是一种单向交流还是互动? 你开这个账户的目的是什么? 这个会在我们的网站上吗? 如果人们加入你要建立的社交媒体群, then they really are interested in maintaining contact with the university and what goes on here. 他们会对你安排的任何活动和演讲嘉宾感兴趣. They may not necessarily turn up, but they will be interested and read about them. If you have outstanding students who excel at something, they like to read about them. Major events in your field outside the university they will like to know about. Major events in the university they may like to read about, as well as any community events. 你如何衡量你的账户是否成功? 有很多事情需要考虑. 请在行动之前有一个详细的计划.


You do not have to post every day but you should have a schedule or plan of some sort. Most people prefer something that is relevant to them rather than “fillers.” How often do you think you will have something your followers will find engaging? Do you have someone dedicated to writing and checking the posts before you publish them? 他们是否有权上传合法的图片或视频?


This is the hardest part but do not get hung up about the number of members or post views. It can be discouraging when you first start and you may wonder if anyone is ever going to read anything you write. 一旦页面设置好了,并且你已经发布了一些帖子, send people an email telling them there’s a new group in town they may be interested in. 鼓励校友、教职员、教师或学生邀请朋友加入. 寻找创新的方式来吸引你的听众. 如果你在制作传单或海报, think about putting the group social media address and/or a hashtag on those.


标签只是一种分组和查找帖子的方式. If someone searches for a certain hashtag then all the posts with the same hashtag show up – whether they were made by you or someone else completely different. LinkedIn用户的行为与Facebook和Twitter用户不同. 如果你在电脑上查看LinkedIn页面,它们似乎不起作用. 奇怪的是, if you look at them on a smartphone then they do – and about half your audience will check your group on their phones. 使用标签来帮助人们找到相关信息.


This is where you specifically mention an individual or entity by using the @ sign along with their handle. 前面提到的一个例子是@SMIFConsortium. To help grow your presence encourage your audience to post something about you on their social media with your handle. It's also a good idea to help provide value to the sponsors of any events you might have by mentioning them in your posts.