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Meagan Cass

Meagan Cass.jpgMeagan Cass
Wednesday, May 2nd
6:30 pm
University Art Gallery

Meagan Cass' first full-length collection, ActivAmerica, won the Katherine Anne Porter Prize in Short Fiction and was published by University of North Texas Press in 2017. She is also author of the chapbook Range of Motion (Magic Helicopter Press, 2014). Her stories have appeared in Hayden’s Ferry Review, The Pinch, DIAGRAM, PANK,  Joyland, and Puerto del Sol, among many others.  She is an assistant editor at Sundress Publications, and has served as fiction coordinator for the Best of the Net Anthology, and as fiction editor for Rougarou and for Stirring.  An associate professor of English at the University of Illinois Springfield, she teaches courses in creative writing, publishing, and 20th/21st century American literature and curates the Shelterbelt Reading Series. She lives in St. Louis, MO.


