
父母 & 家庭


这对你很重要, 作为照顾者, 为了了解学生在出国留学的道路上必须遵循的步骤. 请访问我们的海外生活页面,了解更多有关我们流程的信息, 我们的出发前指南的链接, as well as tips on how to assist your student in making their international experience a success.

留学教育办公室以学生为中心. We purposefully strive to communicate with and send all correspondence directly to our students. 因为最终出国的是你的学生, 我们的目标是让您的学生在自己的经历中发挥带头作用. We believe the application and pre-departure process is a key part of preparing them for their time abroad and hope that you support and motivate them as they get ready to leave the country.


We have a Pre-Departure meeting every semester to prepare your student for their study abroad experience. 虽然这对学生来说是强制性的,但对家长来说是可选的. We welcome the chance to speak with you about any questions and concerns that you might have. 和你的学生谈谈,和他们一起参加出发前的会议.


同时我们很乐意与家长和家庭成员交谈,回答问题, in many cases we cannot share information out of compliance for FERPA student privacy regulations.

当你有问题的时候, 请把它们转给你的学生, 由其担任家属代表. Many times, the student already has this information and will be able to answer your questions.


  • 出国留学可以增强学生的自信心、独立性和领导能力. 这有助于他们发展跨文化沟通技巧和适应能力, 让他们在面试中脱颖而出, 同时还可以获得学位学分. 研究表明,有留学经历的学生是更受欢迎的求职者, 比那些没有的人. 特别是当他们参加一个主要/次要的特定项目时!


  • 这取决于你的学生在寻找什么. 我们提供为期10天到10个月不等的课程! 学生 also have the opportunity to study abroad for the fall, spring or summer semester. 许多项目还提供一学年的海外学习机会.


  • 学生 are allowed to study abroad once they have completed 24 credit hours or 2 semesters at a college or university by the time they depart for their program. 这意味着学生们可以在大一结束后的夏天就出国留学. We encourage students to start planning a one or two semesters in advance for studying abroad. Many students study abroad in their sophomore or junior year; however, 如果做了适当的计划, 学生可以在任何学期或夏季出国学习.


  • 出国留学总是有风险的, 就像在美国旅行也有风险一样. ISU does not allow students to study abroad in places with increased risks or travel warnings. 然而, much of the safety of the student depends on their ability to use good judgment and to make mature decisions. This is also stressed during the student’s mandatory pre-departure health and safety orientation.


  • No, 所有课程将用英语授课, 除非学生参加的是语言浸入式课程.



  • 是的! All courses taken while studying abroad on a 国外的教育 Office approved program will earn ISU transfer credit. 为了获得信用, students must be accepted by the 国外的教育 Office and participating in a program run through ISU.


  • 各大学开设的课程各不相同. Most classes can be used to fulfill general education requirements and/or major/minor-specific courses. 学生 should consult with their Academic Advisor as well as their 国外的教育 Advisor to determine appropriate courses and how they fit into their plan of study.


  • Many countries follow different education systems and utilize different teaching methods than what is typically seen in the U.S. 课堂可能会更加独立,作业、小测验和/或考试会更少. 学生 must take more responsibility for obtaining, retaining, and processing the course material.


  • 学生 participating in a 教师-Led program will have an ISU professor leading the group. 大多数主办大学也有现场顾问/导师.


  • 这取决于你的学生选择哪个课程. Typically, 教师-Led programs are only available during the summer or during academic breaks. While your student may not have a specific ISU 教师 member accompanying them on his/her program, they will have access to the host institution’s international office and/or staff personnel.



  • 出国留学出奇地便宜! 费用取决于学生选择的类型、时间和地点. 短期课程通常更实惠,因为它们持续时间较短. 学期课程可以与校园课程相媲美,甚至少于一个学期, 或者它们的成本会高得多. It is important to note all ISU budgets allocate funds for airfare, passport, living expenses, 等. 请参阅我们的预算页面,了解每个项目的估计预算.


  • 大多数类型的经济援助适用于国际滑联留学项目. 请参阅财政援助页面了解更多信息.


  • 是的! 请参阅奖学金页面.


  • 一旦学生被海外教育办公室录取, it depends on at which point in the application process your student withdraws from their program. 请参阅提款和退款政策页面了解更多信息.


  • 所需资金的多少取决于项目的时长和地点, 以及学生的消费习惯. 每个人花的钱都不一样. We recommend students research their host country and surrounding areas before departure to get an idea of what types of additional


  • 世界上大多数地方的学生都可以使用自动取款机. It is best to check with your bank ahead of time to see if your current ATM card can be used abroad, 可能收取的费用, 等. Notify your bank and credit card company that your student will be abroad and dates they will be traveling, 否则你将面临账户被冻结的风险! 请在学生出国前与他们讨论一下如何处理财务问题.


  • Opening a bank account abroad is only recommended for students studying for a semester or longer. But in some countries this may be an extremely difficult process or prohibited all together.



  • 您的学生需要的文件根据课程的持续时间和地点而有所不同. It is recommended that your student apply for a passport several months before his/her departure date. 每个国家对入境都有特定的要求. 签证是学生的责任. 学生在离开这个国家之前必须准备好所有必要的文件.


  • 您的学生负责购买自己的机票. 而留学工作人员不协调学生的航班, 我们确实尽一切努力将学生与其他参与者联系起来, allowing them the opportunity to find flight companions and make travel arrangements together. ISU does not recommend students purchase their flights until after they have been accepted and provided specific logistic/arrival information.


  • 旅行取决于学生和项目. 学生 may have the option to participate in excursions or travel independently while abroad. Many affiliate programs offer excursions within the country which are included in the program cost.



  • 学生 are required to have international health insurance while participating in a study abroad program.


  • 如果你的学生正在使用HTH保险,他/她有全球范围的保险. 如果你想用你的家庭健康保险, 这些信息通常可以在你的保险公司的网站上找到. A quick call to your company can also answer this question and provide specific coverage information.


  • ISIC卡提供额外的旅行保险, 让学生在全球范围内享受数千种折扣和福利, 如果护照丢失或被盗,它可以作为身份证的替代形式.


  • 不需要,但建议所有出国留学的学生购买一张ISIC卡. This is ISU’s way of ensuring all students have some international health insurance while abroad. The only exception is if a student has a current card from a previous study abroad program and it will be valid for the duration of their program. 如果是这样的话, the student must submit proof of lasting coverage for the duration of their program to their 国外的教育 Advisor before acceptance.


  • 住房取决于项目. 学生们正在为暑假做准备, 学期或学年通常住在宿舍, 公寓, 或家庭寄宿. 对于教师主导的项目,学生通常住在酒店或青年旅社. 具体的住房信息可以在每个项目页面上找到. 不允许独立住房.


  • Reviewing the Pre-Departure Guide is an excellent way to help your student prepare for a safe and successful experience abroad. 这包括财务等话题, 定义沟通计划, 处理紧急情况, 文化冲击, 还有更多.