销售 & Negotiations: 电梯游说比赛


Annual Indiana State 电梯游说比赛

ISU销售 & 谈判的中心's Elevator Competition is for ALL ISU students.


By taking part in the competition you will participate in:

  • bc菠菜导航发展
  • 奖学金
  • 恢复建设
  • 与雇主建立联系

Spring 2023 电梯游说比赛

提示: 在一分钟之内, tell us about a time when you have had to correct one of your teachers or superiors when they were wrong? 你是如何处理这种情况的?

Submit your elevator pitch recording to the 国际滑联电梯演讲竞赛资料

使用这个 得分表.


  • 的 Spring 2023 电梯游说比赛 Final will take place on Friday, April 14 at 12:00pm in the Garden Level of 联邦大厅


  • 第一名,500美元
  • 第二名,250美元
  • 第三名:100美元


的 销售与谈判中心's Fall 2022 Elevator 销售 Pitch Competition took place on Friday, 10月28日, 2022.

Congratulations to winner Connor Lash and to Kate Gauer, 安妮卡埃尔利希, Ashlyn Halstead who all tied for second place and Julia Sonntag who came in third! We are proud of the efforts and time they put into the competition! ;Each of our finalists earned a scholarship for their hard work and competition.

We want to extend a special thank you to everyone that helped with this competition, 尤其是我们十位出色的评委. Thank you to our amazing friends from Enterprise, 国营农场, 中西部地区的通信, Inc., Cintas, Harba Solutions Inc., Federated Insurance, Joink, Johnson Brothers, Stevens Enterprises, Sherwin-Williams!!! 的se events wouldn't be possible without your continued support of our program and our students.

SNC 2022年秋季电梯游说比赛 winners

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Spring 2022 电梯游说比赛 Winners

的 winner of the 2022 电梯游说比赛 that took place on Friday, 4月15日, 2022, 是吉米·柯林斯. Runner ups were Kate Gauer, Rachel Hildebrand, Brady Fentress.

电梯游说比赛 Winners, Spring 2022

2022 电梯游说比赛 winner Kimmie Collins. Runner ups were Kate Gauer, Rachel Hildebrand, Brady Fentress.



的 Elevator 销售 Pitch Competition finals took place on November 12, huge congratulations to Kearsten彼得斯 for being our 2021 Elevator 销售 Pitch Competition Winner! 我们为她和她的努力感到骄傲. This accomplishment is even more impressive when taken into account that she was last year's winner as well, with a completely different panel of judges!

We also want to shout out and congratulate our runner ups in this competition. 恭喜 安妮卡埃尔利希, Natalie Mauk, Lauren Hemmen, Kimmie Collins! Thank you so much for your participation. We are so proud of all of you for competing and putting in the effort to make it this far.


We want to extend a special thank you to everyone that helped with this competition, especially our nine amazing judges from our past coffee corner sessions. 谢谢你J豪夫里洛化生CSS(南方格雷泽葡萄酒 & 灵), Tiburcio马丁内斯 (Cintas), 杰西卡·纽曼 (企业), 布拉德Perraut (Sherwin-Williams), 达斯汀·舒尔特 (Sherwin-Williams), TJ哈钦森,工商管理硕士(联合租赁); 戴夫Wisniewski 中西部通讯公司.), 泰德Krischak (麦格劳·希尔) JD Pizzola (国营农场®).


Congratulations to Kearsten彼得斯 for winning the 2021年春季 电梯游说比赛 held on April 23, 2021. 第二名是胡安·蒂拉多. Tied for third place were Kimberly Collins and Trevor Revesz. 祝贺所有的决赛选手! 的 semifinalists also included Aja Davis, Carol Schumacher, Gabriele Burkhart, Shana Noblitt.

Thank you to all 68 participants who submitted videos to the qualifier round in March. We had great talent on display during the competition.

Kearsten彼得斯, Juan Tirado, Kimberly Collins and Trevor Revesz

Kearsten彼得斯, Juan Tirado, Kimberly Collins and Trevor Revesz


Congratulations to Sarah Padan for winning the 2020年春季 bc菠菜导航 电梯游说比赛 as well as 莎拉Alzahrani, 萨斯伍德汉娜, 和凯尔西·格拉曼, 我们的前四名决赛选手!

2020年春季 SNC Elevator Pitch Winners

Download the flyer for this competition


的 电梯游说比赛s are as popular as ever. Finalist Day was held on Friday, November 15, 2019. 的 day began with the Quarter Finalists invited to participate from the first round which included over 65 video submissions where students answered what their ideal job is and why. 的 students were invited to enjoy lunch and network with sales professionals prior to beginning the competition. Round 3 consisted of the top 8 finalists and then round 4 consisted of the finalists.

Thank you to the following for serving as judges for this competition and sharing your insights with our students: 国营农场, Sherwin-Williams, Cintas, 中西部地区的通信. 祝贺我们的决赛选手!

赢家: 汉娜•戴维斯

亚军1: 莎拉Alzahrani

亚军2: 科尔顿天使 & 萨曼莎Weirsum (领带)

SNC电梯游说比赛, November 15, 2019

Winner of the 电梯游说比赛, 汉娜•戴维斯, with the competition judges

SNC电梯游说比赛, November 15, 2019

电梯游说比赛 Quarter Finalists


的 销售与谈判中心's 2019 Annual 电梯游说比赛 took place on Friday, 4月12日, 2019. Congratulations to the winners: 1st Place - Rebecca Eckstein; 2nd Place - Allison克里克; and 3rd Place - Rebecca Howe. 相片画廊



麦迪逊谢弗, Allison克里克, 艾米丽·康拉德抢了第一条, second and third places in the 销售与谈判中心’s 2nd Annual 电梯游说比赛 that was held on April 6. 相片画廊




Dr. 大卫·弗莱明
销售 & 谈判的中心
30 N. 7日圣.105室

