Student Class Loads - Enrollment Verification and Veteran's Certifications

Enrollment Verification and Veteran's Certification

The following tables serve as a quick reference guide for determining your enrollment status.

If you are a student receiving veteran's benefits, please refer to the appropriate scale below to determine your enrollment status.

Time status during non-standard and summer terms can differ due to varying course lengths and will be individually calculated by the Veterans Administration.


Undergraduate Students:

Full time 12+ cr. hrs.
3/4 time 9-11.9 cr. hrs.
1/2 time 6-8.9 cr. hrs.
Part time .5-5.9 cr. hrs.


Graduate Students:

Full time 9+ cr. hrs.
3/4 time 7-8.9 cr. hrs.
1/2 time 5-6.9 cr. hrs.
Part time .5-4.9 cr. hrs.


Undergraduate Students Receiving Veteran's Benefits:

Enrollment status for non-standard and summer terms, for Veterans, is dependent on the credit hours and length of the term for the respective courses.

  Fall/Spring Summer
Full time 12+ cr. hrs. * Varies *
3/4 time 9-11.9 cr. hrs. * Varies *
1/2 time 6-8.9 cr. hrs. * Varies *
Less than 1/2 but more than 1/4 time 4-5.9 cr. hrs. * Varies *
1/4 time or less .5-3.9 cr. hrs. * Varies *


Graduate Students Receiving Veteran's Benefits:

Enrollment status for non-standard  and summer terms, for Veterans, is dependent on the credit hours and length of the term for the respective courses.

  Fall/Spring Summer
Full time 9+ cr. hrs. * Varies *
3/4 time 7-8.9 cr. hrs. * Varies *
1/2 time 5-6.9 cr. hrs. * Varies *
Less than 1/2 but more than 1/4 time 3-4.9 cr. hrs. * Varies *
1/4 time or less .5-2.9 cr. hrs. * Varies *